
What Simple Machines Make Up The Pair Of Garden Clippers?


1. T: You know that phrasal verbs are very common and are a really good way to make yourself sound more natural when speaking in informal speech. We have already learnt some of them.
Today we will be busy with new phrasal verbs with make. The phrasal verb make may be few in number but it is important in usage as it is one of the most popular English phrasal verbs: make out, make of, make off, make over, make for, make up.

2. T: Revision of the verb make up. Do you remember the verb make up? It has at least three different meanings. What are they?
First, it can mean to invent, for example, a story. The story is not true – it did not really happen – it came from my imagination. I made it up.
Second, make-up (a noun formed from the phrasal verb) is the stuff women put on their faces – you know, eye-liner, eye-shadow, lip stick and so on. And if a woman makes herself up, it means that she puts her make-up on.

Third, suppose two friends have an argument. They are angry with each other. But later, they decide to forget their argument and to become friends again. We say that they have made up.

3. T: Introduction of new phrasal verbs. You will listen to some sentences where the phrasal verbs with make are used. You can also read them. Try to guess what they mean.

Make for

"After leaving school Bill made for the library."

Make over

"I make over all my old clothes."

Make of (something)

"What do you make of this book by M.Mitchell?" – "I couldn't understand a word of it."

Make off

"When I came in, the dog was eating my meat. It only took one look at me and made off.

Make out

"I don't want to go to school today because I'm not ready for the test. I'll make out I'm ill."

Make out

"I can't make out what Janet has written."

4.  P1P2P3: Do you remember all the phrasal verbs with make? Match the verbs from column A with their definitions from column B

1. make for
2. make off
3. make out
4. make  of
5. make  up
6. make over
7. make out
A. hurry away, especially in order to escape
B. move towards sth
C. understand the meaning or character of sb/sth
D. invent a story , etc., especially in order to trick or entertain
E. change sth in order to make it look different
F. say that sth is true when it may not be
G. manage to see sb/sth or read or hear sth

Keys: 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – g, 4 – f, 5 – d, 6 – e, 7 – b.

5. Pairs:

Synonyms. Use the verb make and particles to make up phrasal verbs, which replace the words underlined in the sentences.

1. He said something angrily and went away. We've never seen him again.
2. – Where did you hear this story? – Nowhere, I invented it myself.
3. What do you think about the new policy the president signed?
4. After three years without talking to each other, they finally became friends again.
5. The actors must apply rouge, powder, etc. on their faces before going on stage.
6. I can hardly see the number on the door.
7. Her clothes were remade by herself perfectly well.
8. Let's go to the city center and find a restaurant on the way.

Keys: 1 – make off, 2 – make up, 3 – make of, 4 – make up, 5 – make up, 6 – make for, 7 – make over, 8 – out.

6. Groups (Pairs):

Fill in the gaps with the correct particles.

1. They are always arguing, but they make *** again very quickly.
2. I couldn't make *** what he was saying.
3. He rose from his seat and made *** the door.
4. Can you make *** a face here on the photograph?
5. She went to the bathroom to make her face ***.
6. Masked robbers broke in and made *** with $8,000.
7. At first I thought it was an accident, but as far as I can make ***, the police consider that's unlikely.
8. I think they're making the whole thing ***.
9. I think it's time we made *** home.

Keys: 1 – up, 2 – out, 3 – for, 4 – out, 5 – up, 6 – off, 7 – of, 8 – up, 9 – for

7. Groups:
Do the test. For each space in each sentence, use the verb Make (in the correct tense) with one of the prepositions from the box. Sometimes you need to put the object/pronoun between the main verb and the preposition – in these cases, the object/pronoun can be found in the brackets. Use the Verbs Make in the Correct Tense with Particles from the Box

8. Groups:

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я не знаю, что о нём думать.
2. Давайте помиримся!
3. Она встала и направилась к выходу, когда услышала стук.
4. Анна всегда делает вид, что ее родители богатые, но это не правда.
5. Я думаю, что она сочинила историю для того, чтобы помогли ей.
6. Клоуны всегда наносят макияж перед цирковым шоу.
7. Я слышал голоса, но не понимал, о чем они говорят.
8. Поп-звезда ускользнул с концерта до того, как фанаты могли найти его.
9. Она умеет перешивать свою одежду.


1. I don't know what I must make of him.
2. Let's make up.
3. She rose and made for the exit when she heard the knock.
4. Ann always makes out that her parents are rich, but it isn't true.
5. I think she made up her story so that we would help her.
6. Clowns always make up before a circus show.
7. I could hear voices but I couldn't make out what they are saying.
8. The pop star made off from the concert before the fans could find him.
9.  She can remake over her clothes.

9. Pairs

Try to make up short dialogues including phrasal verbs with make on the pictures and then present them in pairs. I'll give you 3-5 minutes to do it.

10. Homework.

1. Do the test. Choose the correct particles. Use a dictionary if necessary. (Reflection)

2. Prepare stories or short situations with phrasal verbs make and get ready to tell them in the class.

Т: The lesson is over. I hope you'll be able to be good at phrasal verbs and use them to be a fluent English speaker. Good luck!


  1. [Pocket Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. Longman 2001].
  2. [Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. The University of Birmingham, 2007].
  3. [Шитова Л.Ф., Брускина Т.Л. Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов. / Антология / Санкт-Петербург, 2004].

What Simple Machines Make Up The Pair Of Garden Clippers?


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