
Grounded September content update arrives September 30, watch latest developer vlog

Grounded is a game that continues to abound in calibration and ambition, despite the dimunitive nature of its inhabitants, and has promised monthly content updates as office of its Early Access and Game Preview. August delivered with its content update, simply Grounded's next update has been shrouded in mystery for all of September. Well, Grounded's latest developer vlog reveals when players can await the adjacent feature drop, after going over how insects in the game get most their day.

According to the developer vlog, the various insects in Grounded follow a G.O.A.P., or "Goal Oriented Action Plan," which dictates how and why insects do what they do. In the example of the aphid, these tiny creatures love exploring, but can also become quite sad if they spend too much time away from clovers. Give aphids lots of fourth dimension with clovers, and they'll give aphid honeydew in response. Weevils spend all their fourth dimension searching for mushrooms, while ants do everything for the colony. Every insect has an agenda they want to follow, be information technology exploration, food gathering, or defense of their territory.

It's an interesting look at how the Grounded team developed the insects, and why insects do what they do. Gnats are especially amusing, as apparently gnats merely savour, well, "booping" players. However, this insight into Grounded's life isn't the climax of this programmer weblog, rather its the news that the September content update is dropping for all players on September 30, 2022, and will include new features for everyone to explore. We'll hopefully larn a picayune bit more about the update right before it's here, but we're expecting this content update to be a piddling more on the conservative side.

Microscopic survival

Grounded Game Preview Reco Box


It'southward a big(ger) world out at that place.

Obsidian Entertainment makes its exclusive debut on Xbox One and PC with Grounded, a unique survival experience that literally makes all of your problems much, much bigger. Join your friends as you're shrunk down to the size of an pismire and are forced to survive in a dangerous backyard.

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