
What Type Of Animals Does Australia Have

koala sitting on a tree

Photo: Koala sitting on a tree

Animals in Australia, such every bit the kangaroo and koala, are well known. But have you heard of the headless chicken monster? Or the turtle that breaths through its bum? What near the frog that carried its babies in its oral fissure?

Hundreds of thousands of unique, cute, dangerous, and weird animals live in Australia. In fact, 69% of mammals, 93% of reptiles, 94% of amphibians, 46% of birds and 96% of invertebrates in Australia are found nowhere else in the earth.

Listed below are fascinating examples of Australian wild animals. You tin can also use the "quick search" push in the carte du jour bar.


Kangaroos have a triangular, upright body with two large hind legs, small forelimbs, and large thick tails. The female of the species has a pouch in which she carries her young. They tin can hop at 60km/h.

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Platypuses take beaks similar a duck, webbed feet similar an otter, tails similar a beaver, and lay eggs like a cadger. About the size of a small-scale cat, this animal is a semi-aquatic mammal referred to as monotreme.

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Koalas are cuddly tree-dwelling marsupials with large noses. They spend their lives in trees and sleeps up to 20 hours a day. Some people refer to them as Koala Bears, only they are not bears at all.

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Red Bellied Black Snake

Crimson-bellied blackness snakes have blackness upper bodies and vivid red sides and bellies. They are venomous and account for 16% of all snake bites. They are also called a Carmine belly Black Snakes or Common Black Snakes.

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Echidnas are modest egg-laying mammals called monotremes. They are the oldest surviving instance of early mammals. They lay eggs like birds and reptiles but feed their immature milk like a mammal.

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Cassowaries, with their dagger-like claws and powerful kicks, are the most dangerous bird in the world and too the second-largest bird. Merely 4,000 Southern cassowaries alive in the wild, they may become extinct.

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Wombats are burrowing marsupials that look like baby bears. They are shy animals rarely seen in the wild. Wombats walk very slowly and grunt loudly if threatened. They do cube-shaped poop!

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Emus are the tallest and fastest land bird in Commonwealth of australia. They are the 2d tallest and second fastest birds in the earth. They may look intimidatingly, but they are just curious and harmless unless provoked.

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Blobfish are the ugliest animals in the world. They have jelly-similar bodies and live in the body of water at depths of over 1,000m where they expect similar tadpoles. On land, its body collapses, and it looks like a slime blob.

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Blue Tongue Lizard

Blueish-tongued lizards come up in a variety of sizes and colours. They stick out their large blue tongues and hisses loudly to scare off predators. They are slow-moving skinks that feed during the solar day.

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Dingoes, the wild dogs of Australia, originated from semi-domesticated dogs brought to Commonwealth of australia by humans 5,000 years ago. They by and large avert humans, merely and have been known to set on or bite humans.

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Quokkas await like the happiest animals in the world. With their smiley faces, they seem to love posing for selfies. Nigh the size of a domestic cat, they are quite agile and capable of climbing small trees and shrubs.

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Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian devils are scary, bouncy marsupials with blood-curdling screams similar a devil. They are the earth's largest meat-eating marsupial. They are extinct except on the island of Tasmania.

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Laughing kookaburras are the globe'southward largest kingfisher. They have loud and distinctive bird calls that sounds like homo laughter. They love feasting on snakes, which they fustigate against a branch to kill information technology.

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Sharks are a group of fish called Elasmobranchii that don't accept bony skeletons. They are by and large harmless. The media wildly publicise shark attacks, but they are very rare. There are 182 species in Australian waters.

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Redback Spider

Redbacks are the 2nd virtually dangerous spider in the world. They have a blackness pea-shaped trunk with a cherry stripe, a alarm to go on abroad. Virtually redback bites occur when humans invade the spider'southward "space".

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Frilled Lizard

Frilled lizards open their mouths broad and ruffle out their scaly red and yellow frill like an umbrella to scare off predators. If this display doesn't scare off an attacker, they turn tail and run away at great speed.

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Common salt-water crocodiles are ferocious amphibious, cannibal reptiles with scaly skin and a broad snout crammed with pointed teeth. Their other names are Estuarine Crocodile and Indopacific Crocodile.

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Eastern Brown Snake

Eastern brownish snakes are the second most venomous snake in the world and responsible for the most snakebite fatalities in Australia. They have slender bodies, with colours ranging from brownish to tan to burnt orange.

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Box Jellyfish

Box jellyfish are the almost venomous animals in the world. A sting from ane can kill a human in less than 4 minutes. They are stake blue and hardly visible. They go their name from their four-sided box-like shape.

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Wallabies are modest to medium-sized hopping marsupials with compact legs built for agility in forested areas where it lives. They are almost identical to kangaroos but smaller. They are referred to as macropods.

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Possums are nocturnal marsupials that live in trees, merely come out at dark and rear their immature in a pouch. They range in size from the tiny pygmy possum, which is 70mm to the brushtail possum a meter in length.

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Tasmanian Tiger

Tasmanian Tigers (Thylacine) were marsupial wolves that had stripes like a tiger. Resembling a large, short-haired dog with a strong tail, they were the largest carnivorous marsupial. People hunted them to extinction.

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Headless Chicken Monster

The headless chicken monster is a deep-body of water swimming sea cucumber that gets its name because its torso looks like a decapitated chicken. Information technology is bioluminescent and has a come across-through trunk with internal organs visible.

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Lyrebirds are ground-home pheasant-sized songbirds that are astonishing mimics. They tin can imitate nigh any audio they hear. These can include chainsaws, mobile phones, and horns.

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Sugar Glider

Sugar gliders are pocket-size arboreal, nocturnal marsupials that glide from tree to tree and eat the sugary nectar of plants. They are about 250mm long and very agile. It can glide up to 90 meters from tree to tree.

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Reddish Kangaroo

Ruby kangaroos are the largest marsupials and the largest hopping animal in the world. Standing upwards to 2 meters alpine, it tin hop at over 60kph. Each hop covering up to 9 meters. 15 million of them alive in the Outback.

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Reef stonefishes are the most venomous fish in the world. Spines forth their backs, inject highly toxic venom and intensely painful venom. They camouflage themselves to blend effortlessly into their environment.

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Thorny Devil

Thorny Devil lizards are armoured with spikes and have excellent camouflaging skills. These attributes offer them superior protection from would-be predators. They are about 20cm in length and eat blackness ants.

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Antechinuses are little marsupials with pointy noses. Their advent is similar to a mouse. They are ferocious hunters, preying on insects and small animals. They have a suicidal oversexed sexual behaviour.

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Mimic Octopus

The mimic octopus tin change its appearance imitate many dangerous body of water creatures. It is a primary of disguises. It mimics other animals to frighten predators away. It lives in shallow murky waters.

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Greater Bilby

Greater bilbies are pocket-size, nocturnal, omnivorous marsupials with rabbit-similar ears and pointy pink snouts. They take muscular forearms and claws for digging their burrows and uncovering buried food.

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Cuttlefish are intelligent creatures and experts at using colour, shape, and texture for camouflage. They can put on spectacular color and light displays. Cuttlefish are related to squid and octopuses.

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Corroboree Frog

Corroboree frogs are highly poisonous amphibians with hitting xanthous and black longitudinal markings. These frogs walk rather than hop like nigh other frogs. There may be as few as 50 left in the wild.

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Black Swan

Blackness swans are big aquatic birds found in estuaries and waterways of Commonwealth of australia. They make a high-pitched musical bugle sounds. While graceful in flight and in water, blackness swans walk rather clumsily on state.

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Marsupial Mole

Marsupial moles literally swim underground through the sand. They accept no eyes or ears and have a bony shield to protect their noses. They are probably one of the virtually unusual and least understood animals in the world.

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Swift Parrot

Swift parrots, besides known as the Red-faced or Red-shouldered Parrot, are modest greenish and xanthous birds with long pointed wings. These noisy birds are the fastest parrots in the earth. In that location are just 2,000 left in the wild.

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Gouldian Finch

Gouldian finches are beautifully coloured grass finches. They were once found by the millions merely are nearly extinct in the wild. Gouldian finches feed on both ripe and partially-ripe grass seeds.

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Numbats are small termite-eating marsupials. They are sometimes called Banded Anteaters or Marsupial Anteaters. They weigh almost 700 grams and forage for termites during the daylight.

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Swell Barrier Reef

The Great Bulwark Reef is the largest and most spectacular coral reef in the earth. It is fabricated up of ii,900 coral reefs and 600 idyllic islands, and over 2,300lm long. It has the world's nigh diverse range of underwater animals.

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Leadbeater's Possum

Leadbeater's possums scamper forth branches in the high forest canopy and jump gracefully from one tree to another. They are extremely rare.

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Spotted Quoll

Spotted Tailed Quolls are the size of a large true cat. They have many abrupt little teeth. They are the second-largest cannibal marsupial.

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Gilbert's potoroo

The Gilbert's potoroo is the world'south rarest marsupial. Information technology has long forepart limbs with craved claws with which its digs underground fungi (truffles).

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Dugongs are plant-eating marine mammals. Considering of their sleek, appearance and large teats, aboriginal sailors idea they were mermaids.

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Brushtail Possum

The brushtail possum is a semi-arboreal nocturnal marsupial. It has a bushy prehensile tail, which information technology uses to grasp onto branches.

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Funnel Spider web Spider

The Sydney funnel spider web is the deadliest and well-nigh ambitious spider in the earth. Its seize with teeth can kill a human in xv minutes.

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Bandicoots are small omnivorous marsupials with pointy snouts, large hind feet, and hop. There are twenty species of bandicoots in Australia.

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Night Parrot

Dark Parrots are small ground-dwelling nocturnal parrots. They are the earth'southward most mysterious and elusive birds. Just 250 survive.

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Giant Clam

The Giant clam is the globe's largest sessile mollusc. Information technology tin grow up to one.5 meters and weigh 230 kilos. It has big protruding blue irised lips.

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Ringtail Possum

The Ringtail possum is a minor arboreal, nocturnal marsupial that holds its tail in a tight gyre. It has 2 thumbs on each forepart paws.

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Tawny Frogmouth

The Tawny Frogmouth is a nocturnal insect hunter that looks similar an owl. It camouflages itself by fluffing its feathers to look like a tree stump.

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Musky Rat-Kangaroo

The Musky rat-kangaroo is the smallest macropod and the only kangaroo that doesn't hop. As its proper name suggests, it looks like a rat and has a musky odour.

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Clownfish come up in a wide variety of colours and ordinarily have vertical bands across their bodies. They live amidst poisonous sea anemones.

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Tree Kangaroo

Tree kangaroos live in copse. They climb by wrapping the forelimbs around a tree and hopping up with their powerful hind legs.

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Snapping Turtle

This turtle breathes through its bum, yes its anus, and it tin remain submerged for days. It'due south most 45cm and lives to over 100 years.

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Stick Nest Rat

The white-tipped-stick-nest-rat lived in primal Australia. It built its nest of sticks, which information technology added to over the years, making a huge nesting mound.

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Antilopine Kangaroo

The antilopine kangaroo is the only kangaroo that lives entirely in the tropics. It has a confront that looks like that of an antelope, hence its name.

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Body of water Anemone

Body of water anemones are small-scale marine invertebrates closely related to coral and jellyfish. They catch prey with their venomous tentacles.

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Fairy Penguins are the smallest penguin species in the world. It goes line-fishing during the day and eats pocket-sized fish and crustaceans.

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Lesser Bilby

The lesser bilby was a pocket-size omnivorous marsupial that became extinct in 1950 due to rabbits and predators such as feral cats and foxes.

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The woylie is a nocturnal marsupial with a long tail which it wraps effectually a package of nesting material and transports it home.

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Flying Fox (Bat)

Flight Foxes are relatively large flying herbivorous mammals. Well-nigh practise not use echolocation just instead rely on their peachy sight.

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Cockatoo Parrot

The Sulphur-crested Cockatoo is a very noisy large white parrot with a large yellow crest that information technology fans out. Information technology eats berries, seeds, nuts and roots.

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Blue-Ringed Octopus

The blue-ringed octopus bite is painless and may become unnoticed. However, its toxin acts rapidly. Expiry may occur in as little as 30 minutes

Tiger Ophidian

Tiger snakes are big, aggressive snakes responsible for the second-highest number of bites in Australia. Their venom is neurotoxic.


The goanna is the largest cadger in Australia and the fourth-largest in the world. If threatened, it whips its tail, bites, and claws its victim.


Dolphins are very vocal, playful, intelligent, social animals that live in groups of up to 15 animals. They feed on invertebrates, fish, and squid.


Australia has 56 species of colourful parrots. Information technology has ii-thirds of the world's cockatoos and around one-eighth of the world'due south parrots.

Ocean Lion

Australian sea lions stocky bodies, a large head, and short narrow flippers. The male is twice as large as the female. They hunt fish and squid.

Carmine-eyed Tree Frog

Cherry-red-heart tree frogs live in Australian rainforests and wetlands. They are nocturnal hunters that feed on moths and insects.

Rakali (Water Rat)

The Rakali, a semi-aquatic native placental mammal, lives in burrows on the banks of rivers. Information technology eats insects, fish, crustaceans, snails, and frogs.


Taipans are large, fast-moving snakes. They are some of the most venomous snakes in the world but prefer to avoid confrontation with humans.

Peacock Mantis Shrimp

Peacock mantis shrimps have the fastest punch in the world, creating small implosions in the water that generates rut, low-cal, and audio.


Handfish prefer to walk on their pectoral and pelvic fins rather than swim. They live at depths of 5-40m and eat crustaceans and worms.

Crimson-fronted Parakeet

Red-fronted parakeets were quite common till almost 1879. They became extinct because of hunting past humans and as a result of the feral cat.


Humpback whales travel up from the Antarctic to give birth and feed their young. They can grow to 12 – 16 metres and counterbalance 36,000 kgs.

Plains Wanderer

Plains wanderers are small quail-like birds that live in semi-arid grasslands. They prefer to run rather than fly and fall easy prey to foxes.

Loggerhead Turtle

Loggerhead Turtles are the largest difficult-shelled turtles in the earth. They are carnivorous, feeding on shellfish, crabs, sea urchins, and jellyfish.

Eastern Bettong

The eastern bettong became extinct on the mainland in the 1920s as the event of the introduction of the red flim-flam and rabbit.

Lion Fish

King of beasts fish has zebra-like stripes and venomous spines. A sting from a spine can be very painful simply not fatal to humans.

Gastric-heart-searching Frog

Gastric-heart-searching frogs incubated their babies in the mother's breadbasket. They became extinct in the mid-1980s due to a pathogenic fungus spread past humans.

Green Turtle

Green turtles feed on seagrasses, simply they besides eat the venomous box jellyfish. They become their name from the colour of their fat.

Mandarin Fish

The exotic standard mandarin fish has no scales for protection. Instead, information technology is covered in smelly toxic mucus and spines to deter predators.

Textile Cone

The Textile Cone's harpoon-like tooth can pierce the pare, rubber gloves and wetsuits. Its venom causes respiratory paralysis and eventual death

Leatherback Turtle

Information technology is the largest turtle of them all. It is called a leatherback because it doesn't take a hard beat but has leathery skin. It eats jellyfish and invertebrates.

Unique Australian Animal Facts What Animals are Found But in Commonwealth of australia?

Koala sleeping on branch

Photo: Koala is endangered

At that place are hundreds of thousands of unique, beautiful, dangerous, and weird creatures in Australia.

The reason Australian animals are so dissimilar was their long isolation from the rest of the world. For millions of years, the Australian continent was likewise far away from any other landmass, so whatever new types of animals could not get to it. As a result, the animals already on the continent evolved into animals most suitable for Commonwealth of australia'due south harsh, dry out environs.

Since about 5,000 years ago, humans have brought many animals with them. These animals are referred to as Introduced Australian Animals. For example, the dingo was brought to Australia by ancient seafarers about 5,000 years ago. European settlers introduced many other animals such as cattle, sheep, camels, rabbits, etc. were introduced past European colonists less than 200 years agone. These animals are certainly non native to Australia.

• Related Article: Why Australian Animals are Then Different

Australian Mammals Types of Native and Introduced Mammals in Commonwealth of australia

There are three types of mammals in Australia. These are monotremes, marsupials, and placentals.

Monotremes first appeared between 145–99 1000000 years ago and are the oldest type of Australian mammals. Two out of the five known species of monotremes in the globe live in Australia. The echidna and platypus are two such animals establish in Australia.

Marsupials appeared about 64-65 one thousand thousand years ago and are the second oldest blazon of mammal found in Australia. They occupy every niche of the Australian habitat and range from the large red kangaroo to marsupials smaller than a mouse.

Placental mammals are relatively recent arrivals to Commonwealth of australia. Bats were the first to go far, getting here virtually 23 million years ago. Rodents came 5-ten million years ago. These animals reached Australia past flying or hitching a ride on floating debris and crossing the oceans that separated Australia from Asia as Commonwealth of australia, equally it stated drifting slowly closer to Asia. These placental mammals make up a tiny percentage of the total mammalian population. Humans introduced several animals. The dingo was the first of these, coming hither almost 5,000 years ago. Offset in 1788, many types of placental mammals such as cattle, foxes and rabbits were brought to Australia.

•Related Article: Departure Between Marsupials, Placental & Monotreme Mammals

In that location Were No
Mice, Apes & Monkeys
in Commonwealth of australia

Until Europeans came to Australia in 1788, there were no hoofed animals (similar horses, cattle, goats, deer, etc.) in Australia. In that location were no apes or monkeys in Australia either.

Rats and mice were the only animals that the Europeans didn't bring intentionally. They arrived as stowaways on ships.

Australian Amphibians and Reptiles Some are the Most Poisonous Snakes

Photo: Blueish-natural language lizards

Australia has many amphibians and reptiles found nowhere else in the world.

Snakes – Australia has 140 species of land snakes and 32 species of bounding main snakes. Of these near a 100 are poisonous snakes. The bite from about 12 of these can exist fatal to humans. The taipan and ruddy-bellied black snake are some such poisonous snakes.

Lizards – At that place are over 700 species unique to Australia alone.

Frogs – 4 families of native frogs numbering 230 species inhabit the continent. 1 hundred thirty-five of these are unique to Commonwealth of australia.

Crocodiles – Australia has ii species of crocodiles. The Saltwater crocodile is the world's largest and can counterbalance as much as 1,000 kilos, and is known to attack humans. Freshwater crocodiles are much smaller and do not attack humans.

Turtles – There are 35 species of freshwater turtles. Six species of sea turtle besides visit the coastlines.

Australian Birds Desert, Outback and Rainforest Birds of Australia

Photo: Australian red parrot

Australia has 800 species of birds. Of these, 350 are but institute in Australasia.

Ratites such as the emu and cassowary are large flightless birds like to the ostrich. The emu lives in the Australian Outback. And the critically endangered cassowary lives in the tropical rainforests of Australia.

Megapods such as the Mallee fowl, trace their ancestry as far back as Gondwanan time. These stocky birds look somewhat like chickens, but they have modest heads and big feet (that's why the name "megapod" meaning big-feet). These birds are usually found in forested areas.

Parrots unique to Australia comprise most 20% of the earth'south know species. These include the cockatoo and the almost extinct night parrot, which lives in the Australian desert.

Other birds, such equally Kookaburras, are the world's largest kingfishers.


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